How to get to Rauhala, Kittilä in Finnish West-Lapland

Rauhala village is located in Finnish West-Lapland, ca. 200 km North-West from Rovaniemi.

There are several ways to get to Rauhala by public transportation:

  1. Fly to Kittilä (KTT) from Helsinki e.g. with Finnair . There are also direct connections from many European cities to Kittilä (KTT).  We arrange transit  from every connecting flight.
  2. Travel via Rovaniemi. There are several flight and train connections to Rovaniemi and you can take a bus ( ca. 200 km) to Rauhala (bus stop name: “Rauhala, Jerisjärvi th”). Airport Taxi Rovaniemi operates between Rovaniemi Center and the Airport.
  3. Take a Onnibus bus from Helsinki to Levi. Route “F4 Ski”  from Helsinki to Levi is operated during winter season ( duration with breaks ca. 15 hours) . We will pick you up from Levi.
  4. From Tromsö with The Arctic Route bus connection  by Eskelisen Lapin Linjat .
  5. Take a night train from Helsinki to Kolari. There is a bus connection (limited dates) from Kolari to Jeris/Muonio and we can pick you up from the bus.

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